Black Legion- Tale of Four Warlords ETL VII

Hey guys for the Tale of Four Warlords and the ETL VII being run on Bolterandchainsword I've started a new force a black legion war band - Chosen of Nemeroth I've been super busy building up my force and I've got most of everything built. I've been trying to get as much built as possible…

Tale of Four Warlords

IF the title didn't give this one away I don't know what will. My fellow bloggers and I are going to start a 40k escalation in the form of a Tale of 4 Warlords read all about it here.

Plague Child Collaborative Project

Whats that? I haven't made enough Possessed you say? well here's one I made earlier! a surprise reveal of my Plague Bearer Possessed. Ok, now I'm getting back into the swing of things! Not that my work at home is finished... but I'm waiting for deliveries so I can just not think about it for…

Hobbyist’s Rut

So... this post is going to be a little different to my usual ones. I like to have posts with progress shots and finished models. Something that someone may benefit from some how or if they already know more that I can show them, just some decent models at the end. This... is kind of…

Clone Wars – Fighting the Monotony!

Whether it wants to or not, our brain loves patterns. This can manifest in a multitude of ways, from organising things with labels for easier categorising to tidying up or at the extreme end, lining up our belongings with an neurotic need and accuracy. In terms of our hobby, this can be both beneficial and…

Beauty is Only Skin Deep – Norris Thing / Possessed Marine

Ok, so this another possessed, taking the count up to thirteen so far (the rest are here and here). Now you are going to get a lot more out of this post if you like John Carpenters film, The Thing. If you haven't seen it... do that now is instead of reading this, or any…

Winged Daemon Prince – A Friendly Collaboration

In my possession, I have a Daemon Prince. It's not mine, but I have been allowed to hang onto it to use since the actual owner no longer collects Chaos. Its the old style Daemon prince, which I actually prefer to the plastic kit and this is my first involvement with this model read more after the click.

My Most Prized Possessions (Part 2)

Well I think its about time these guys got a new post all together, with four new additions to the family no less! Today I'm introducing an Iron Hand, White Dragon, Raptor and Salamander. For those of you that haven't seen my first article, these are the unwilling volunteers to the ranks of Thousand Sons'…