The Intermittant Activity of the Reluctant Hobbyist.

This post covers a rundown of 4 of the projects I did over the last couple of years: MEBSG's Boromir, Two converted space marines, AoS Mangler Squigs and Warhammer Underworld's Blackpowder's Buckaneers.

The Chosen Axes

The chosen axes are a warband from nightvault from the Duardin Fyreslayers and boy are they cool! I'm really enjoying these war bands and have thoroughly enjoyed painting them over the last few months. The game itself is also great fun and I get the play it with my kids on the weekends. I’ve struggled…

Profiteering in the Nightvault

Another post about Warhammer Underworlds, this time about my main duardin the Thundrik's Profiteers and the next steps of my Warhammer Underworlds hobby. As I said in this previous post I've been diving deeper into Warhammer Underworlds : Nightvault, I've not painted a few of the warbands and I've been posting about it (HERE). Thundrik's…

Going Deeper into the Underworlds

It's been a while since I last posted and hobby has been a bit up and down but recently I've been able to get more done. This blog post is all about my continuing with Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault and the games and additional warbands i've been collecting and painting. I've been diving deeper into Warhammer…