The Intermittant Activity of the Reluctant Hobbyist.

This post covers a rundown of 4 of the projects I did over the last couple of years: MEBSG's Boromir, Two converted space marines, AoS Mangler Squigs and Warhammer Underworld's Blackpowder's Buckaneers.

Blood Bowl is a load of Bull – WIP Chaos Dwarves team

Unusually for me I’ve been painting some third party models. The Blood Bowl obsession is still in full flow. After finishing the Nurgle team I’ve treated myself to a Chaos Dwarf team. I'd been eyeing these up for a few years now. The official team from the 90s is hard to come by now. You…

Blood Bowl Stinks (part 3) – Beast of Nurgle (Rotspawn)

With the Beast of Nurgle finished I've now completed my 16 players for my Kitbash Nurgle Blood Bowl team. I've been on the look out for potential parts to make a Beast of Nurgle for a while. In the meantime GW has released an official model now called a Rotspawn. The Rotspawn fits with the…

Blood Bowl Stinks (part 2) – Kitbash Nurgle Blood Bowl Team (WIP)

Finally back on the hobby horse with a return to the Nurgle Kitbash Blood Bowl Team. So it's been a little while since I posted. Various little RL issues have kept me from the hobby for about 8 months or so. But I'm back painting and playing again, so I'm happy with that. Big thank…

Hobbyist’s Rut

So... this post is going to be a little different to my usual ones. I like to have posts with progress shots and finished models. Something that someone may benefit from some how or if they already know more that I can show them, just some decent models at the end. This... is kind of…

Wait a Minute… That’s Not 40k! – AT-ST

This is going to be a relatively short and sweet ninja post. We are normally in constant discussion at the Blog, about what each other are working on, will there be a Blog post and when it will be published... not this one though! I've been working on this one in secret. This is not…