Beauty is Only Skin Deep – Norris Thing / Possessed Marine

Ok, so this another possessed, taking the count up to thirteen so far (the rest are here and here). Now you are going to get a lot more out of this post if you like John Carpenters film, The Thing. If you haven't seen it... do that now is instead of reading this, or any…

Winged Daemon Prince – A Friendly Collaboration

In my possession, I have a Daemon Prince. It's not mine, but I have been allowed to hang onto it to use since the actual owner no longer collects Chaos. Its the old style Daemon prince, which I actually prefer to the plastic kit and this is my first involvement with this model read more after the click.

My Most Prized Possessions (Part 2)

Well I think its about time these guys got a new post all together, with four new additions to the family no less! Today I'm introducing an Iron Hand, White Dragon, Raptor and Salamander. For those of you that haven't seen my first article, these are the unwilling volunteers to the ranks of Thousand Sons'…

My Most Prized Possessions

This article is going to cover my Possessed Chaos Space Marines, a unit which I inherited from a friend.  At the time of starting this article I have 2 fully painted, several undercoated, built and slightly unfinished.  So I will continue to update this article as I work my way through them one at a…

That Guy is Hella Brute

I really hope you like this one as its one of my favourite conversions to date... my Chaos Helbrute. I put some real effort into this one, it was one of those where it took longer than i expected not just because of a lack of time or being busy (which is always s factor)…

Just as Planned: The Prince I Never Expected

This next project is a bit of an odd one as i play a completely Tzeentch aligned army. Once again though, circumstance gave me an opportunity and that opportunity came in the form of a potential Daemon Prince of Slannesh It's basically Tzeentch with nipple clamps right?... For Christmas one year i had an Avatar…