Space Orks Pirates, Deathskulls and future Orks

The Flashgitz were a wedding present from my fellow blogger Pandorasbitzbox (6 years ago). I've finally got them painted up. This is another long neglected project finished up in lockdown. They are a challenging kit to paint. They have tons of parts and if you want them Orky you have a lot of decisions to…

Stompy, Da Orkiest Nid – part 2 – The Paintening

The fantastic Looted Carnifex Pandorasbitzbox made me is finally painted. This was another long neglected project finished off over lockdown. After he gave me the secret gift it only took me 7 years to get it painted! Pandorasbitzbox put a lot of effort into making this thing. His blog post on how he made it…

Flash Gitz

Following on from Badrukk a few weeks ago, I've continued with the Orks. Orks are by far my favourite army. I enjoy the Iron Warriors and the odd primaris but these are very much a break from the ORks I'm in the process of building these guys a battlewagon and I've started a Dakka Jet…

Painting an Ork Stompa in 2 weeks?

"How about a really cool knight battle" says one of our hobby group - Those were the immortal words that started my journey of painting a stompa in two weeks. Be warned this is pic heavy. I've been collecting and painting Orks since the tale of four warlords from last year. I have loved painting…