The Intermittant Activity of the Reluctant Hobbyist.

This post covers a rundown of 4 of the projects I did over the last couple of years: MEBSG's Boromir, Two converted space marines, AoS Mangler Squigs and Warhammer Underworld's Blackpowder's Buckaneers.

Chaotic Claws – Sculpting Tutorial

I hope everyone prepared for Christmas, not long now. This is a post I was avoiding putting up until my friend received his Christmas present.  He has promised not to look at the blog until after he opens it though, so I get to share this little teaser with you! I have posted regular updates…

My Most Prized Possessions (Part 2)

Well I think its about time these guys got a new post all together, with four new additions to the family no less! Today I'm introducing an Iron Hand, White Dragon, Raptor and Salamander. For those of you that haven't seen my first article, these are the unwilling volunteers to the ranks of Thousand Sons'…

My Most Prized Possessions

This article is going to cover my Possessed Chaos Space Marines, a unit which I inherited from a friend.  At the time of starting this article I have 2 fully painted, several undercoated, built and slightly unfinished.  So I will continue to update this article as I work my way through them one at a…